Players will experience life as a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry like never before, as they live the unwritten and embark on a dangerous journey to uncover a hidden truth of the wizarding world.
Hogwarts Legacy is filled with immersive magic, putting players at the centre of their adventure to become the witch or wizard they choose to be. They will grow their character’s abilities as they master powerful spells, hone combat skills and select companions to help them face off against deadly enemies.
Players will also encounter missions and scenarios that will pose difficult choices and determine what they stand for.
*PS4 & Xbox One Available 05/05/2023
**Nintendo Switch Available 25/07/2023
Standard Edition Includes:
Base Game

Deluxe Edition Includes:
Base Game
Dark Arts Cosmetic Set
Thestral Mount
Dark Arts Battle Arena